Wednesday, March 7, 2012

NOTICE: Suspension of activities

Hi Friends,
I continue to search for a way to influence a broader public about the travesty that is Israel's policy toward the Palestinians, and even more... Canadian complicity in it.

I still feel, more than ever, that we cannot "look the other way".

However, I am suspending my blog... at least for the time being.

I do not think that this blog is a very effective way to reach a broader public. Most of the people who seem  to access the blog are already very interested in (and knowledgeable about) the Palestinian human rights situation.

Apart from them, few others read my blog... .

In short, I think I am "preaching to the converted" and since my observations are not all that different or more insightful than those of others, I will save my own time and also "depollute" the airwaves.

If you want to go somewhere more interesting, check out some other sites, including "The Electronic Intifada", or any one of the dozens of very good Israeli sites including ACRI (the association for Civil Rights in Israel) or Adalah (a Palestinian/Israeli legal rights organization.)

We cannot stop looking the other way. But we have to keep looking for effective ways to get other people interested as well...

Thanks for reading.


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